Monday, June 16, 2008

Lantas Kemudian... Dia Datang...


Kind of hard to describe my week. Cape, iya. Busy, sangat. Pusing, iya. Happy... hell yeah... huahahahaha.

It's just one of those days when you feel you wanna vanish from the world...

Been dpressed of everything.... work, life, love...

But then again, Cipieth, Kapoy sama Bubu bilang bahwa I need to stop looking so hard. Just stop and believe in the law of attraction. So I did.

And you know what...? They were right. Sooooo right.

Gw berenti trying so hard to find the one... Lantas kemudian, dia datang. Maybe not the one...

But at least, adalah indikasi untuk bisa maju ke depan.

Dan kali ini, resiprokal. Gw gak ngelangkah sendirian. You know the term it takes two to tanggo?
Well... let's just say we're learning to tanggo now... and that's enough for me now.

I just need to know that... We're learning tanggo togather.

I thank God for that. I thank my friends for that.

Untuk dia... Kita coba jalanin bareng ya... pelan-pelan... tapi bareng ya...


Unknown said...

thats my brother..

Anonymous said...

waw.masih idup ternyata blog ini. acik acikkk.. =D